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written and performed by


Solo Shows  

University of Chicago,

FXK Theater, Chicago, IL

This is one of my favorite scenes from Wrong Way Journey. It's the reenactment of the night I shared my story for the first time at TBTN at Northwestern University. The campus was packed with students, faculty, staff and friends. Survivors and allies held candles and heard the words of trial and triumph. 


  • Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention 

  • Artfinix Studios

Northwestern University,

Lutkin Hall, Evanston, IL

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) was quite busy at NU this year. I was honored to be the featured performer for the 2018 SAAM campus activities. Pictured here are members of the sponsoring campus organizations:



  • Northwesten University College Feminists

  • Northwestern University Women's Center

The Playground Theater

Chicago, IL

This was a public reading of Wrong Way Journey. The light and sound cues were perfect!

  • Resources for Sexual Violence

  • Prevention & Artfinix Studios

Fillet of Solo Festival

Chicago, IL

Performing as part of the 21st Annual Fillet of Solo was an awesome experiences. I had the opportunity to meet wonderful Chicago theater-goers, and see phenomenal solo shows that were performed for the first time ever! I met new friends and saw new works from old friends. Make sure to attend this year's Fillet of Solo.

  • Lifeline Theater

Solo Chicago Festival

Three Cat Productions supports and promotes new theatrical works. The support that I received from Three Cat Productions continues. 



  • Three Cat Productions

In.Power Launch Party

This was one of the best launch parties I have been a part of. Every performance was impactful!

  • Howard Brown Health

Chicago Dramatists

This was my first staged (workshop) performance of Wrong Way Journey. My writing instructor, mentor and solo writing guru, Arlene Malinowski helped me create a work of literary art. If you have ever put pen to paper for a solo work you must take a class with Arlene Malinowski. 

  • Chicago Dramatists

Northwestern University

This was my first time performing at my Alma mater. The venue was magnificent and the crowd was so kind. It was great to be back on campus.

  • NU Women's Center

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